Warm Evenings, Warmer Posts

Welcome Back

I sincerly hope you enjoyed reading my first post! Since my first post, I have learned a couple things:

  • I had not secured my site on Netlify (oops)
  • Securing it was very easy after I got it going
  • Git was much easier than I originally thought

These all seem like very integral lessons to me! I think I may have had a breakthrough in what I would consider for my ultimate goal: SysAdmin

But, What Lead Me Here?

Well, dear reader, to put it bluntly, a programmer I am not. I would love nothing more than to develop some pretty sweet ideas I’ve had bumping around in my head for awhile, but, alas, every time I sit to code or learn, I become extremely overwhelmed. I get a thrill in setting up new systems and guiding folks into a whole new land of operating their system, Windows or not. I would love nothing more than to re-learn all those networking skills and Windows Server, or even better Linux Server Admin.

What I Stand to Gain (or lose)

Everything. Dear reader, I have been in a rut for a good while. I have felt stuck in the AirCap paradigm. While I may not be able to move cities, I am sure there is a place for me somewhere. I attended college at a now defunct school and gained some knowledge, however, this was just at the precipise of Google gaining its foothold in all markets. By the time I had exited college, all of this schools course material (and by proxy, answers to stuff that I couldn’t figure out) were all over the web. I did so poorly in a couple classes, I had to wind up using my internetisms to get a passing grade and Programming was at the top of that list.

How I Can Start TODAY to obtain these new goals

  • Firstly, learn and learn often. My road will be fairly long and probably a pretty penny, too. A+ and Network+ are not cheap to do by really any stretch. I might be able to start with a Linux Essentials course and go for that route as well.

  • Secondly, get caught up with the latest tech and trends in the market. Its been about a decade since I have graduated college and tech has evolved. Cloud computing was just taking off big time. In the time since college (and just before I graduated) Google Drive was launched, Docker and Kubernetes started in 2013 and 2014, respectfully, cloud native exploded, SaaS and IaaS have come up, and thats just a few!

  • Thirdly, stay nimble. Stagnation will be my enemy and I cannot let it. Hell, I learned that IT has become ICT (Information and Communication Technology) just this evening.

I begun looking at the Linux Professional Institute’s Linux Essentials course docs this eve, just before writing this. I will probably go over lesson 1.1 again, just to make sure I understand the course material.

So, what now?

For now, I sleep. Today was an action packed day of waking up at 5am to go to the gym, doing Diecast Car Racing, where I got a solid second place and my best car wasnt too far behind the best car in the whole 16, a family event, then some gaming with my wife. Tomorrow is a new day and I will go over the course material for 1.1 again after work, or even at lunch. I hope you enjoyed the read! I hope your weekend went as expected and was full of fulfilment. Take some time for yourself and have that cup of coffee! I know I will be in the morning!

This Weeks FOSS Pick

Oh, I almost forgot! I would love to do a weekly FOSS pick of something I use or have started using as of late. This week, I have to give it up to Remarkable. This is the Markdown editor I use ALL the time. It is a very intutive piece of software that uses Github-flavored markdown, but, supports regular expression as well. It syntax highlights and has a live viewer that shows you your output. Its lightweight and you can get it on Windows or Linux. You can find them at Remarkable

As always, be kind to one another.

Mick K, TheGoldenDragon

Golden Mascot for Linux Unplugged. Does your podcast have a mascot?
